N82 Firmware Update 31.0.016

So, a couple of days after the firmware update was announced, I decided to update my N82 last night. Steve at AAS had suggested the update had interfered with the Maps functionality on his phone, but on the whole most users were reporting a successful update, with suggestions that the phone operates faster and smoother, that the Auto Screen Rotation had been improved, the call ending bug had been fixed, a faster GPS lock, better battery life and improvement in the loud speakers.

I've never experienced the call end bug - apparently some users have seen the phone 'hang' for a few seconds after ending a call. As for the ASR, I have that turned off, the only time it is useful to me is in the gallery, or sometimes web browsing. Most often it is just bloody annoying. Just to see what it is like, I re-enabled this feature last night. My impression is, if this is now 'fast' then before it must have been excruciatingly slow! So, I've turned it off again. GPS in my experience on the N82 has always been fast, what I did notice is the positioning is slightly more accurate. When I've loaded Maps in the past at home, I was always located at the property next door, but last night it accurately positioned me at home. I only activated the Maps to try the log on, it seemed no quicker, but also no slower, just more accurate. Battery life remains to be seen, but the speakers are a definite improvement, even for someone like me who rarely notices these things. Play music on loud speaker now, then turn on stereo widening, and you can clearly hear the difference.

So all well with the phone, but I did wonder half way through the update if I would even have a working phone at all! The firmware downloaded ok, the update started, after a few minutes I got a message on screen saying the connection to my N82 had been lost! I started to think I may have bricked my phone somehow. I followed the message on the screen which said to remove battery, charger and USB cable from the device, then re-insert the USB cable, battery and charger, press the power button for one second and see click the retry button on screen. I did all that except plug in the charger, as I wasn't using the charger to begin with.

After about a 7 minute wait, I got the error message again! I wasn't quite panicking just yet, but was starting to get concerned. I followed the instructions on screen again, but this time did plug in my charger. That somehow seems to have done the trick as the phone kicked back into life and the firmware install started again and everything, thankfully, went through fine with no further issues.

As you can see from the screenshot, I now have version 31.0.016 running on the phone. For now all seems to be ok; I'll post up if I come across any issues.