Where Next for Nokia Nseries?

The Nseries range is starting to look a bit tired, truth be told. There are many areas where Nokia are going to have to make improvements if Nseries can still be considered top of the class when it comes to multimedia, otherwise they risk falling far behind the competition and becoming just also rans.

First thing that needs to be addressed is the camera. For a long time now, the standard camera on an Nseries device is 5.0 megapixel with autofocus, and Carl Zeiss optics. Which, in itself, is ok I guess. But other manufacturers are offering so much more; why no face detection, smile detection, blink detection? No image stabilisation? Why not something like Best Pic which Sony Ericsson have been offering on their Cybershot phones for years! With other devices offering cameras with so much more in terms of features, the camera on NSeries is starting to look a bit tired in comparison.

Then consider video capture. Again, I guess you could say an Nseries device is adequate, but QVGA @ 30fps just isn't enough anymore. Nseries needs to start offering high definition video capture, higher frame rate, super slow motion, and so on.

Video playback also needs to be updated. I've never got on with the Real player, video streaming has never worked well, and the handset needs to support more popular video formats, without need for installing extra applications. Native support for DivX and XviD video files is a must, surely?

Memory is also somewhere where Nseries devices can be improved. More Nseries devices need high internal memory capacity as standard, as well as being expandable with Micro SD cards. The N96 and N97 have this, but more Nseries devices should, and I hope to see it when new devices are announced.

And whilst I'm having a bit of a rant, I find it incredible that a multimedia device has no option onboard for creating something as simple as a slideshow. On a Sony Ericsson C905, it is a simple matter to take captured images, link them together, add in some text, add in a soundtrack, play the video, email it off, upload it to the web, anything. Simple, easy. That I can't do this on an Nseries phone is just amazing, honestly.

These are just a few of the things Nokia need to look at updating on upcoming NSeries devices if they are going to keep pace with the competition. There's bound to be more that I've not thought of (at this late hour). If there's something you think Nokia need to update on the Nseries range, add your thoughts and wants and ideas in the combox.

Nokia 5800 Deal

The Nokia 5800 is an ok phone, for what it is. A bit bland, a bit ugly, but it does run on S60, which means it hits our interest for that, alone.

Despite my misgivings about this phone, it has proven to be extremely popular, with many retail stores being out of stock of the phone for long periods, with stock only just starting to become freely available.

Because of the 5800's low price, it is avaialble with some amazing offers, especially with the online web retailers. One of the more established retailers, E2Save, have some particularly good offers available right now, and we all like a deal, no?

So, hit the link, take a look, and pick yourself up a bargain.

It All Started With a Vision

Time to focus our minds on one of the most anticipated Nseries devices to be launched, probaby ever since the first NSeries phone. Of course, I'm talking about the Nokia N97. Ever since its announcement, I've had mixed feelings about this phone. What it offers is pretty much all I'd want in a phone, feature wise, but I have tried and am yet to be convinced by touchscreen phones, and the same goes for QWERTY. So, it doesn't look good. As it stands, it seems the N86 8MP may be the phone that takes the place of my N82. That said, there's a nagging doubt in my mind about the N97, and I can not be sure about it until I've had the chance to try one out.

Anyway, with the hype around the phone starting to build, follow the link to view a video about the N97, and the various stages surrounding its development, from concept to build.

Nokia Nseries

Mobile Jealousy

This is an NSeries blog. My preferred devices, my preferred phones, are the multimedia focussed Nseries phones. Recently, though, all the interest seems to be around the business devices, the Eseries range. With the E71, E75, E55 and now the E52, the Eseries range is starting to look very good. So, all I can hope now is that we get some new Nseries handsets, with as much design innovation as the recent Eseries handsets have had.
After all, there's no reason why a handset with design innovation like the E71, or E75, or this new E52 couldn't fit right into the Nseries line-up. Eseries build quality would be nice, too! As it is right now, I'm starting to feel a bit of 'mobile jealousy'. Hey, Nokia, where's the Nseries love?

AAS have some spec info on the E52 here

Turn Your NSeries into a Tricorder

A good one for the Trekkies out there, and for people who like silly, but fun, apps.

I spotted this over at AAS, who link through to CJ.

Basically point your phone's browser to nokia.mobi, and following the instructions given at CJ's site, you can download some Star Trek goodies, including a couple of tones, wallpaper, and a nifty little tricorder application.