It All Started With a Vision

Time to focus our minds on one of the most anticipated Nseries devices to be launched, probaby ever since the first NSeries phone. Of course, I'm talking about the Nokia N97. Ever since its announcement, I've had mixed feelings about this phone. What it offers is pretty much all I'd want in a phone, feature wise, but I have tried and am yet to be convinced by touchscreen phones, and the same goes for QWERTY. So, it doesn't look good. As it stands, it seems the N86 8MP may be the phone that takes the place of my N82. That said, there's a nagging doubt in my mind about the N97, and I can not be sure about it until I've had the chance to try one out.

Anyway, with the hype around the phone starting to build, follow the link to view a video about the N97, and the various stages surrounding its development, from concept to build.

Nokia Nseries